Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google Analytics

I think I just managed to add in the Google Webmaster metatag, and also the script for Google Analytics, so I can track visits etc to my site (mind you, I'll freak if I get more than about 2!).

It all seems pretty easy, Google generates all the code and stuff but since they then tell you to insert the Analytics snippet (it's javascript) immediately before the body tag in the source code, I got a little confused. It's not until I got onto the support page that I found they meant the close body tag at the bottom!

I'm now supposed to give it 24 hours to see whether it's verified the code or if I've done something wrong so fingers crossed I can give it the big tick tomorrow night...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate,

    I'm about to add Google Analytics to my site so your experience here is reassuring. I found some useful support stuff and links at the analytics blog:

    I hear you on the freakout if there's more than 2 visitors...!

